"On bruised years" movie

On bruised years

On bruised years

Sunday، 01 May 2022 | Article Rating

On bruised years


Written by: Govan mehr esmaeil poor


The first story written by human being , is about the secret of the death. The death has ever been the greatest and also the most obscure phenomenon for the human being. The most magical miracle the prophets performed was to tell stories about the afterlife.A phenomenon that was sometimes described as cold, black, and terrifying.All over the world, there are magical or religious rites and traditions that aim to prevent death, and to cause others to die. These rites are often known as calamity prevention customs. Since the death is everyone's concern , this type of customs are all essentially the same , however these rituals get performed in a different way eachwhere. From the thirteenth day of the Iranian new Year , to the spring consecration in the north of Austria , all are performed with the aim of the prevention of the death.

The movie " On bruised years" is too illustrating the death , but in a different way.

This movie has an anti-war content , and especially focuses on suppression of the women in traditional societies and also Men's constant and violent efforts to seize women and ignore all their human rights. The narrator of the film is against the war , as he believes that the femininity and the vita do have common origins and the death has always had a masculine origin. This film is a song that praises life and shows the stinking and dirty roots of war.The film uses old Oriental traditions to tell its challenging story.Therefore, we preferred to use a sweet-spoken old woman so that the imaginative child of the audience's minds would be taken to the land of dreams.

In the story that this old woman tells, in addition to the main purpose of the story, there are other advices too. The old woman tells the story to the audience just like a kind grandmother.The story of a man who slips, and suddenly awakes the death, as if he has detonated a bomb.The story of a loving woman who is not able ot travel to the afterlife like ancient gods, to meet her dead husband. The woman who acts like a hero for love and changes her destiny. The story of a patience, which causes maturity and a passion that burns like fire. The story of a man who sacrifices his family to support his friend.The story of a woman who is on the verge of death out of regret.The story of a man who commits a heinous crime.The story of a person who sacrifices his life just for the sake of a few cows and sheep, or another person who sacrifices his life just for the sake of showing off.And finally, the story of a person who wishes that others would die so that he could take possession of everything himself. But the fate of all these people is nothing but death.It is very strange that death comes from the nature, and the nature, recreates life, even at the moment of death. So the death faces a very difficult challenge and begins to speak.

  • On bruised years
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